Lawyer in Plovdiv

 A man is free only when he does not have to obey anyone but the law.

- Immanuel Kant.

Tanya Chechkova has been a lawyer since 2012, and is enrolled in the Plovdiv Bar Association. She graduated from Plovdiv University "Paisiy Hilendarski" in 2009. She has received training in international human rights protection in 2007 at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK. She has attended training seminars conducted by LawyersForRights on the application of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights in Rome, Italy and Burgos, Spain in 2020. Tanya has also attended training seminars under the "Light" project in the period from March 2022 to June 2022 on the topic: Legal competences in relation to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, held in Rome, Brussels , Sofia and Madrid.

Tanya has been part of the FAR team since September 2022.

Languages: English

ТАНЯ ЧЕЧКОВА Адвокат, гр. Пловдив