Complementary pathways to Southeastern Europe – COMP4SEE



The Foundation for Access to Rights – FAR is the Bulgarian partner in a new project called “Complementary pathways to Southeastern Europe – COMP4SEE”. The project is coordinated by the Croatian Law Center (HPC). Partners in the project are also the Peace Institute and the Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and Environment in Slovenia.

HPCFARPICPeace institute

COMP4SEE is a two-year project aiming to develop complementary arrival schemes for persons in need of international protection in three EU Member States – Croatia, Bulgaria and Slovenia by creating new models of private sponsorships and offering recommendations for improvement of national family reunification systems.The term "complementary pathways" means safe and regulated pathways that complement resettlement programs of refugees through which they can be received in a country, meet their own needs for international protection. The complementary pathways offer refugees an alternative to resorting to dangerous irregular means and roads. Examples include humanitarian corridors, the issuance of temporary residence visas for humanitarian reasons, community sponsorship programs, other private sponsorship programs, programs for family reunification, opening opportunities for education and/or work, etc.

The Project envisages research and advocacy-based activities that will result in the number of new places for legal admission and effective integration increased. 

Project activities

  • Identification of good practices in other countries;
  • Analysis of national legislation and practice in connection with the creation of private sponsorship schemes;
  • Research of the attitudes of the stakeholders and potential private sponsors;
  • Analysis of the existing family reunification system and the experience of stakeholders;
  • Providing aid in the process of family reunification to obtain a greater understanding of the issues. You can find more information here.
Source - CANVA Pro



The Project COMP4SEE is funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
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